JERIQ Better Days Ahead cover image

Paroles de Better Days Ahead

Paroles de Better Days Ahead Par JERIQ

Sambalitual Iyoo

Oluwa agozigom Ogbe oil Dey my head
Imalo malu na anyi Nwe better days ahead
Onitsha enwelo 9th mile tinyealu collect
Eyes on the prize ogbe My eyes na acha red

Oluwa agozigom ogbe oil Dey my head
Imalo malu na anyi Nwe better days ahead
Ndi mgbu na ndi bad energy biko bocha
Dollar pounds biko biaba

Put your hope in God ogbe
Better days ahead
As far as you dey work ogbe
Better Days ahead
Wetin go be go be Ogbe
Better days ahead
Better Days Ahead
Days of original Patek

Odilomma kita but I know say e go better
I can never forget the days mna ele pure water
The o.t is kwechili giving up is illegal
I am focusing only on matters of the cheddar
In chukwu we trust oluwa no go fail us
Overtaking is allowed even ma N'ime hold up
Stop where are you going? I'm going to the top
Abum verified Ogbe and I made it out the mud

Oluwa agozimu Ogbe oil Dey my head
Imalo malu na anyi Nwe better days ahead
Onitsha enwelo 9th mile tinyealu collect
Eyes on the prize ogbe My eyes na acha red

Oluwa agozimu ogbe oil Dey my head
Imalo malu n'anyi Nwe better days ahead
Ndi mgbu na ndi bad energy biko bocha
Dollar pounds biko biaba

Put your hope in God Ogbe Better Days Ahead
As far as you Dey work Ogbe Better Days Ahead
Wetin go be go be Ogbe Better Days Ahead
Better Days Ahead Days of original Patek

Put your hope in God ogbe
Better days ahead
As far as you dey work ogbe
Better Days ahead
Wetin go be go be Ogbe
Better days ahead
Better Days Ahead
Days of original Patek

Nleka days buzi old show ka Pete edochie
Apasam n'iru olu no ka agboro mainmarket ose
Ka nipsey hussle I want to hustle and motivate
Relocate my momma from onitsha to Kuwait
Abum a dream chaser
Agbagom ogwu anyam na acha red ka jersey arsenal
Stop where are you going? I'm going to the top
Afia anyi n'ele mana anyi enwelo shop GLE days ahead

Oluwa agozimu Ogbe oil Dey my head
Imago malu na anyi Nwe better days ahead
Onitsha enwelo 9th mile tinyealu collect
Eyes on the prize ogbe My eyes na acha red

Oluwa agozimu ogbe oil Dey my head
Imalo malu n'anyi Nwe better days ahead
Ndi mgbu na ndi bad energy biko bocha
Dollar pounds biko biaba

Put your hope in God Ogbe Better Days Ahead
As far as you Dey work Ogbe Better Days Ahead
Wetin go be go be Ogbe Better Days Ahead
Better Days Ahead Days of original Patek

Put your hope in God ogbe
Better days ahead
As far as you dey work ogbe
Better Days ahead
Wetin go be go be Ogbe
Better days ahead
Better Days Ahead
Days of original Patek


A Propos de "Better Days Ahead"

Album : Better Days Ahead (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : May 07 , 2021

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