IDAHAMS Man on Fire cover image

Paroles de Man on Fire

Paroles de Man on Fire Par IDAHAMS

If you get too much
Dem go say you dey pasile
If you fine too much
Dem go say you be gay oo ehh
And If you hustle well
Dem go say you dey run street
If you get too much
Dem go say you do jazz ooh

But you know say talk is cheap
You know say man must talk
I no dey listen all
Dem no dey pay my bills

But you know say talk is cheap
You know say man must talk
I no dey listen all
Dem no dey pay my bills

Drink water mind your business
Use that energy for yourself
Here comes a man on Fire

Drink water mind your business
Use that energy for yourself
Here comes a man on Fire

Naso this life dey bee
When You dey dey hustle dem no dey see
Na wen you wan flex dem go dey see
Dem go dey start to do jealousy

Naso dem change am for my padi
Because he geti too much money
But na dem talk say you too lazy
And there children dey oversea

When you dey cruise that your ride o
Dem go stop you for road oh
Say o anything for the boys anything for the boys.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah

When dem see you for club oh
As you come start to pop oh
Dem go start to harass oo
Chinekeme iyei

If you get too much
Dem go say you dey pasile
If you fine too much
Dem go say you be gay oo ehh
And If you hustle well
Dem go say you dey run street
If you get too much
Dem go say you do jazz ooh

But you know say talk is cheap
You know say man must talk
I no dey listen all
Dem no dey pay my bills

But you know say talk is cheap
You know say man must talk
I no dey listen all
Dem no dey pay my bills

Drink water mind your business
Use that energy for yourself
Here comes a man on Fire

Drink water mind your business
Use that energy for yourself
Here comes a man on Fire


A Propos de "Man on Fire"

Album : Man on Fire (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2020
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Mar 18 , 2021

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