Paroles de Ma Chills
Paroles de Ma Chills Par HOLY TEN
Ini ndorohwa ne guilty
I always been texting Amanda
Like iwe shaa come timborova ma chills
Saka pandabva kunoona matilda
She heard that am leading the youth
She came, she did
Then I said the sentence that killed her
I told her she was the nuts
Ndakamboti she is a muffin
Maffin rapera
Zvango zvehondo zvazvibhakera
She said, holy do you love me
I said, wangu zvazviri pachena
I told her no no no no no
I told her you got it wrong
Me and my fellow brothers are abusing the girl child
We know if she is on the booze
Then she is gonna act wild
So it’s fofa ffofa
Inonzi fofa fofa
Plan richirongwa rinonzi rikutanga na
Na 10 advance
Tine mazi vodka chasara kutsvaga ma pints for paying in rands
Boiz remu group rikunetsa kuchura rikutaura kuti twvagai ma chicks
Boiz remu group harichada zvidhura eikutaura kuti kandai ma pics first
Icgi no
Ichi yes
Ichi kuzora
Ichi chimukedha
Ichi ihorror
Ichi ndochiketa
Ichi bho
Chakambondi peta
Zvisinzi zvisenei
Pinda DM iti bae
Chingppinda mu BM zvee vanessa
Chingppinda mu BM zvee vanessa
Vana venanhu vanomukira mudzimba dzedu vane bhabharasi
Uchifunga kuti varaga pacampus
Vachiradza nemadhara aya
Hapana anoganzira gesture wangu
Wangu ibata wabata
Pakadai anorwadza makata
Pakadai takatamba makasa
Tawana basa
So as it seems
But ini honestly ndakuda zve chillz
I’ve been actively getting involved with it
Am confessing kuti ndanga ndichizviita
Me and my fellow brothers are abusing the girl child
We know if she is on the booze
Then she is gonna act wild
Kungotavra nyaya semaziviro andoiita
Inonzi fofa fofa
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