Traduction Francaise de Uko Hapa Par HIGHEST PRAISE BAND

Ulisema hutaniacha
(You said, you will never leave me)
Immanueli uko hapa
(Immanuel you are here)

Uliahidi, uwepo wako waenda nasi Immanueli
(Immanuel, you promised your presence will go with us)

Upendo wako waniongoza kila niendapo Immanueli
(Your love leads us everywhere we go Immanueli)

Na moyo wako wa utulivu wanishangaza Immanueli
(And your calm heart amazes me Immanuel)

Uko Hapa
(You are here)
Uko Hapa
(You are here)
Ulisema hutaniacha
(You said you will never leave me)
Immanueli uko hapa
(Immanuel, you are here)

Manukato ya uwepo wako yako hapa
(The fragrance of your presence is here)
Na upako wa upendo wako uko hapa
(And the anointing of your love is here)
(Fill us)


A Propos de "Uko Hapa"

Album : Uko Hapa (Single),
Année de Sortie : 2019
Copyright: (c) 2019
Ajouté par: Huntyr Kelx
Published: Dec 14 , 2019


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