GEMMA GRIFFITHS Just My Luck cover image

Paroles de Just My Luck

Paroles de Just My Luck Par GEMMA GRIFFITHS

E e e y e e, y e y e e
E e e y e e, y e y e e

You're down, so I'm out
I'm down to get out
Get out, out of Tusker, and out of town yeah
Imma ride for the thrill of it
Ride the night for the thrill of it
Ride or die because i'm killing it
Ooooooh its

Just my luck that I am out of luck and
I'll ride the side roads till the end of the night yeah
Just my luck that I am out of luck and
I don't take the highroad I am not nice in a fight

Because I lied to you
I said I'd die for you
At least I'd try for you
At least and cry for you

E e e y e e, y e y e e

It's dark but I see
Cause the dark don't scare me
What's scary is city sirens that swallow me

Imma ride for the thrill of it
Ride the night for the thrill of it
Ride or die because i'm killing it
Ooooooh its

Just my luck that I am out of luck and
I'll ride the side roads till the end of the night yeah
Just my luck that I am out of luck and
I don't take the highroad I am not nice in a fight

Because I lied to you
I said I'd die for you
At least I'd try for you
At least and cry for you


A Propos de "Just My Luck"

Album : A Girl From Harare (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2022
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Feb 08 , 2022

Plus de Lyrics de GEMMA GRIFFITHS


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