FRANK EDWARDS  Praise Party Medley cover image

Paroles de Praise Party Medley


Paroles de Praise Party Medley Par FRANK EDWARDS

The rain of miracle is falling on you today

Oh let it fall let it fall even let it overflow

Aka Chineke is blessing someone today

Aka ya aka ya

Aka Jehovah neme mma

The rain of favor is falling on you today

The rain of favor is falling on you today

Aka Chineke is blessing someone today

Aka ya aka ya

Aka Jehovah neme mma

The rain of miracle is falling on you today

Oh let it fall let it fall even let it overflow

Aka Chineke is blessing someone today

Aka ya aka ya

Aka Jehovah neme mma

The rain of miracle is falling on you today

Oh let it fall let it fall even let it overflow

Aka Chineke is blessing someone today

Aka ya aka ya

Aka Jehovah neme mma

I will lift up his name forever (iyoyoyoyo)

Kanyi bully Jehovah leu (iyoyoyoyo)

Plenty miracle just they happens oh (iyoyyoyoyo)

Aka ya aka ya

Aka Jehovah name mma

You are a mighty God

You are a mighty God

When I call your name you dey answer by fire

You are a mighty God

The thing you do dey make me dey wonder

You are a mighty God

You are a mighty God

You are a mighty God

When I call your name you dey answer by fire

You are a mighty God

The thing you do dey make me dey wonder

You are a mighty God


A Propos de "Praise Party Medley"

Album : (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2024
Copyright : © 2018 Rocktown Kings Corner
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Sep 27 , 2024

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