FELIX JIMMY Do It Again cover image

Paroles de Do It Again

Paroles de Do It Again Par FELIX JIMMY

You are the God who raised the dead
You never fail
You never change
You can do the same again
You are the God who heals the sick
You never fail
You never change
You can do the same again
You are the God who makes the barren fruitful
You never fail
You never change
You can do the same again
You are the God who opens doors
You never fail
You never change
You can do the same again

Do what you did before
Do what you did before oh
Do it again today
Just like you did before
Just like you did before oh
Do it again today

You are the God oh
(You are the God who raised the dead
You never fail
You never change
You can do the same again
You are the God who heals the sick
You never fail
You never change
You can do the same again
You are the God who makes the barren fruitful
You never fail
You never change
You can do the same again
You are the God who opens doors
You never fail
You never change
You can do the same again

Do what you did before
Do what you did before oh
Do it again today
Just like you did before
Just like you did before oh
Do it again today
Do what you did before
Do what you did before oh
Do it again today
Just like you did before
Just like you did before oh
Do it again today)

You patted the red sea
You can do it again
You can do it again and again
Oh God!
You make the blind see again
You can make the lame walk again
You can raise the dead again
You can open doors again

Yahweh Oh Yahweh Oh Yahweh
Do it again today
Yahweh Oh Yahweh My Yahweh
Do it again today
Yahweh Oh Yahweh, my Yahweh
Do it again today


A Propos de "Do It Again"

Album : Do It Again (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Feb 02 , 2021

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