FALZ Tender Love cover image

Paroles de Tender Love

Paroles de Tender Love Par FALZ

When i see that kinda touching tender kinda love
Omo you taking over me, taking over me
And e dey do me like i shacki liquor o yea o yeah
Taking over me, taking over me
Cos in the morning when i wake up wake up wake up
You are the one i think of think of think of
Shey you’re thinking of me baby
Cuz I’m thinking of you baby
In the morning when i wake up wake up wake up
You are the one i think of think of think of
Shey you're thinking of me baby
I been thinking of you lately

You make me come alive come alive
But how i want take survive take survive
If you no dey with me, e get as e dey be
I look at you for my side, for my mind
You don 'ready turn my wife, change my life
Patapata you and me
Don travel go yankee
But i dey try
Anywhere i go ride
To get to you baby baby
I'm all for you baby baby ah
Said i dey try
Anything i go buy
To get to you baby baby
I'm all for you baby baby
Cos in the morning when i wake up wake up wake up
You are the one i think of think of think of
Shey you’re thinking of me baby
Cuz I’m thinking of you baby
In the morning when i wake up wake up wake up
You are the one i think of think of think of
Shey you're thinking of me baby
I been thinking of you lately

And e dey do me like i shacki liquor o yea o yeah
Taking over me, taking over me


A Propos de "Tender Love"

Album : B A H D (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2022
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Jun 09 , 2022

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