ELIJAH OYELADE My Father and My Friend  cover image

Paroles de My Father and My Friend

Paroles de My Father and My Friend Par ELIJAH OYELADE

I Love You, Lord
I Worship You, I Adore You
You are my God
My Help, my Shield
My Father and my Friend

I Love You, Lord
I Worship You, I Adore You
You are my God
My Help, my Shield
My Father and my Friend 

I Love You, Lord
I Worship You, I Adore You
You are my God
My Help, my Shield
My Father and my Friend

I Love You, Lord
I Worship You, I Adore You
You are my God
My Help, my Shield
My Father and my Friend

I Love You, Lord
I Worship You, I Adore You
You are my God
My Help, my Shield
My Father and my Friend

I Love You, Lord
I Worship You, I Adore You
You are my God
My Help, my Shield
My Father and my Friend

You are my God
My Help, my Shield
My Father and my Friend
You are my God
My Help, my Shield
My Father and my Friend

You are my God
My Help, my Shield
My Father and my Friend
You are my God
My Help, my Shield
My Father and my Friend

You are my God
My Help, my Shield
My Father and my Friend
You are my God
My Help, my Shield
My Father and my Friend

You are my God
My Help, my Shield
My Father and my Friend


A Propos de "My Father and My Friend "

Album : My Father and My Friend (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Mar 12 , 2021

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