ELIJAH OYELADE Be Revealed cover image

Paroles de Be Revealed

Paroles de Be Revealed Par ELIJAH OYELADE

Be revealed in me
Jesus shine your light
Be revealed in me
Jesus shine your light
Life of God in me
You are glorified
Rise up from within me
Let the whole world see your face
Tongues of fire fall
Life of God in me
You are glorified
Rise up from within me
Let the whole world see your face
Mighty rushing wind blow

Be revealed in me
Jesus shine your light
Be revealed in me
Jesus shine your light
Life of God in me
You are glorified
Rise up from within me
Let the whole world see your face
Tongues of fire fall
Life of God in me
You are glorified
Rise up from within me
Let the whole world see your face
Mighty rushing wind blow
Life of God in me
You are glorified
Rise up from within me
Let the whole world see your face
Mighty rushing wind blow
Let it blow
Let it blow

Let it blow
Let the wind blow
Let the fire fall
Let it blow
Rise up from within me
Let the whole world see your face
Let the whole world hear your voice
Let them see you through my eyes
Rise up from within me
Rise up from within me
Rise up from within me
Rise up from within me
Rise up from within me
Rise up from within me
Rise up from within me
Rise up from within me
Let the whole world see your face
Mighty rushing wind blow
Let the fire fall
Let the fire fall
Let the fire fall
Let the fire fall
Let the fire fall
Let the fire fall

Spirit pray
Pray to the father
Spirit pray
Pray to the father
Spirit pray
Pray to the father
Rise up from within me
Rise up from within me
Rise up from within me


A Propos de "Be Revealed"

Album : Be Revealed (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2022
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Apr 13 , 2022

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