EBEN Jesus At The Center cover image

Paroles de Jesus At The Center

Paroles de Jesus At The Center Par EBEN

At the center of it all
It's you that I see
It's you that I see

At the center of it all
It's you that I see
It's you that I see

There is power in your name
Miracles happen in your name
As we lift our voice in praise
It's you that I see oh God
It's you that I see

At the center of it all
It's you that I see
It's you that I see

At the center of it all
It's you that I see
It's you that I see

There is power in your name
Miracles happen in your name
As we lift our voice in praise
It's you that I see
It's you that I see

At the center of it all
It's you that I see Jesus
It's you that I see

At the center of it all oh Lord
It's you that I see Jesus
It's you that I see

There is power in your name
Miracles happen in your name
As we lift our voice in praise
It's you that I see
It's you that I see

There is power in your name
Miracles happen in your name
As we lift our voice in praise
It's you that I see
It's you that I see

You are bigger
Bigger than the biggest
You are stronger
Stronger than the strongest
You are higher
Higher than the highest
You are greater
Greater than the greatest

You are bigger
Bigger than the biggest
You are stronger
Stronger than the strongest
You are higher
Higher than the highest
You are greater
Greater than the greatest

You are bigger
Bigger than the biggest
You are stronger
Stronger than the strongest
You are higher
Higher than the highest
You are greater
Greater than the greatest

You are bigger
Bigger than the biggest
You are stronger
Stronger than the strongest
You are higher
Higher than the highest
You are greater
Greater than the greatest

You are bigger
Bigger than the biggest
You are stronger
Stronger than the strongest
You are higher
Higher than the highest
You are greater
Greater than the greatest



At the center of it all
It's you that I see
It's you that I see

At the center of it all
It's you that I see
It's you that I see

Thank you for your miracles, Lord
Thank you for the testimonies
We see you, Lord


A Propos de "Jesus At The Center"

Album : Jesus At The Center (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2019
Ajouté par : Preslie Nzobou
Published : Feb 23 , 2020

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