DUNSIN OYEKAN At All Cost cover image

Paroles de At All Cost

Paroles de At All Cost Par DUNSIN OYEKAN

The value of my life
Is how much of you I carry
The impact of my life
Is how much of you people see
The value of my life
Is how much of you I carry
The impact of my life
Is how much of you people see
(The value of my life
Is how much of you I carry
The impact of my Life
Is how much of you people see
The value of my Life
Is how much of you I carry
The impact of my Life
Is how much of you people see)

(The value of my life
Is how much of you I carry
The impact of my Life
Is how much of you people see
The value of my Life
Is how much of you I carry
The impact of my Life
Is how much of you people see)

(I want you, at all cost
In your fullness and Glory
I want you, at all cost
In your fullness and Glory
I want you, at all cost
In your fullness and Glory
I want you, at all cost
In your fullness and Glory)

I want you, at all cost
In your fullness
(I need you, at all cost
In your fullness and Glory
I Need you, at all cost
In your fullness and Glory
I need you, at all cost
In your fullness and Glory
I need you, at all cost
In your fullness and Glory)

Jesus, I need you
Just enough is not enough
Just enough won’t be enough
Just enough won’t be enough
Just enough won’t be enough
(Just enough won’t be enough
Just enough won’t be enough
Just enough won’t be enough
Just enough won’t be enough
Just enough won’t be enough
Just enough won’t be enough
Just enough won’t be enough
Just enough won’t be enough)

I need you, I need you
Just enough won’t be enough
I want you


A Propos de "At All Cost"

Album : At All Cost (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2020
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Jul 16 , 2020

Plus de Lyrics de DUNSIN OYEKAN


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