DJ MSHEGA Criminal cover image

Paroles de Criminal

Paroles de Criminal Par DJ MSHEGA

Lady Zamar, you feel me
I can't seem to figure out
What we doing
How far we've come 
It is Criminal how
You stole my heart
You whispered into the night
Lying in bed with the light
Creeping, Crawling
Your way in To my heart

What would you say?
What would you do?

I'd run, I'd go, I'd walk away 
I'd run, I'd go, I'd walk away
I'd run, I'd go, I'd walk away
Away, away 
Away, away

That's all I ask
It’s all I ask
If the police found out 
If the police found out
What would you say?
What would you do?

I'd run, I'd go, I'd walk away 
I'd run, I'd go, I'd walk away
I'd run, I'd go, I'd walk away
Away, away 
Away, away

What would you say?
What would you do?


A Propos de "Criminal"

Album : Criminal (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2017
Copyright : (C) 2017 Mshega Music
Ajouté par : Olivier charly
Published : Feb 19 , 2020

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