DEBORAH LUKALU Glorious Life cover image

Paroles de Glorious Life

Paroles de Glorious Life Par DEBORAH LUKALU

I am unstoppable, invincible, victorious
I can do all things
I am unstoppable, invincible, victorious
I can do all things
I am unstoppable, invincible, victorious
I can do all things

I'm filled with your glory
I'm filled with your grace
I'm filled with your favour
To overcome every challenge i may face
Lord I'm filled with your glory
I'm filled with your grace
I'm filled with your favour
To overcome every challenge i may face

That same power that conquered the grave livre in me Oh yeah...
That same power that rescued the earth livre in me Oh yeah...
I'm reigning, tuning, prevaling
Over all circumstances
I'm blessed I'm blessed oh oh I'm blessed
I live a glorious life
I'm reigning, tuning, prevaling
Over all circumstances
I'm blessed I'm blessed oh oh I'm blessed
I live a glorious life
I'm blessed I'm blessed oh oh I'm blessed
I live a glorious life
I'm reigning, tuning, prevaling
Over all circumstances
I'm blessed I'm blessed oh oh I'm blessed
I live a glorious life

Lord I'm filled with your glory
I'm filled with your grace
I'm filled with your power
To overcome every challenge i may face
Lord I'm filled with your glory
I'm filled with your grace
I'm filled with your power
To overcome every challenge i may face

That same power that conquered the grave livre in me Oh yeah...
That same power that rescued the earth livre in me Oh yeah...
I'm reigning, tuning, prevaling
Over all circumstances
I'm blessed I'm blessed oh oh I'm blessed
I live a glorious life
I'm reigning, tuning, prevaling
Over all circumstances
I'm blessed I'm blessed oh oh I'm blessed
I live a glorious life

Ohhh ooohh 
Fovour on me 
Every body say ohhh ooohh 
Fovour on me 
Ohhh ooohh 
Fovour on me 
Every body say ohhh ooohh 
Fovour on me 


A Propos de "Glorious Life"

Album : Glorious Life (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2018
Ajouté par : Olivier charly
Published : Feb 25 , 2020

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