CITY HARVEST Father We Declare cover image

Paroles de Father We Declare

Paroles de Father We Declare Par CITY HARVEST

And we will say that You are good
And all the miracles You’ve done have brought us joy
For we are changed and all the hopes we have
We place in You right now
And we will say that You are good
And all the miracles You’ve done have brought us joy
For we are changed and all the hopes we have
We place in You right now
Father we declare that we love You
We declare our everlasting love for You
Father we declare that we love You
We declare our everlasting love for You

And we will say that You are good
And all the miracles You’ve done have brought us joy
For we are changed and all the hopes we have
We place in You right now
Father we declare that we love You
We declare our everlasting love for You
Father we declare that we love You
We declare our everlasting love for You

And we will say that You are good
And all the miracles You’ve done have brought us joy
For we are changed and all the hopes we have
We place in You right now

Father we declare that we love You
We declare our everlasting love for You
Father we declare that we love You
We declare our everlasting love for You
Father we declare that we love You
We declare our everlasting love for You
Father we declare that we love You
We declare our everlasting love for You
Father we declare that we love You
We declare our everlasting love for You
Father we declare that we love You
We declare our everlasting love for You

We lift up our eyes above the troubles
In our land and together we stand 
To declare You as King
In times like these we choose to praise You
For it’s You
It’s You who really matters
You are worthy of our praise
And we will say that You are good
And all the miracles You’ve done have brought us joy
For we are changed and all the hopes we have
We place in You right now
Father we declare that we love You
We declare our everlasting love for You
Father we declare that we love You
We declare our everlasting love for You
Father we declare that we love You
We declare our everlasting love for You
Father we declare that we love You
We declare our everlasting love for You


A Propos de "Father We Declare"

Album : Father We Declare (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2013
Ajouté par : Olivier charly
Published : Feb 25 , 2020

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