CHIKE Bad  cover image

Paroles de Bad

Paroles de Bad Par CHIKE

I no fit do am
I no get that kain mind

If I come complain to you
Say my baby do me bad
Ignore (Sho n gbo)
If I tell you say she don set me on fire
Let me burn
Ignore (Sho n gbo)
The other day when you talk to me finish
The other day when you talk to me finish
I go back to my lover
I tell am say I love am
The other day when you talk to me finish
The other day when you talk to me finish
I go back to my lover
I tell am say I love am

Don’t tell me to leave my baby
I no fit do am
I no get that kain mind
Don’t tell me to leave my baby (I no fit e o)
I no fit do am
I no get that kain mind

Make I go settle
I dey go settle
Me wey do tatto
How I want do cancel (How I want do cancel)
No dey talk nonsense
Are you making sense
Shey you want make I pick offence
Make I just confess

The other day when you talk to me finish
The other day when you talk to me finish
I go back to my lover
I tell am say I love am
The other day when you talk to me finish
The other day when you talk to me finish
I go back to my lover
I tell am say I love am

Don’t tell me to leave my baby
I no fit do am
I no get that kain mind
Don’t tell me to leave my baby
(I no fit e o)
I no fit do am
I no get that kain mind

If I come complain to you
Say my baby do me bad
Ignore (Sho n gbo)
If I tell you say
She don set me on fire
Let me burn
Ignore (Sho n gbo)
I dey go settle
Make I go settle
Me wey don do tattoo
How I want do cancel (How I want do cancel)


A Propos de "Bad "

Album : The Brother's Keeper (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2022
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Aug 25 , 2022

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