CALLEDOUT MUSIC Weights cover image

Paroles de Weights

Paroles de Weights Par CALLEDOUT MUSIC

I have so many dreams so many dreams inside
That You’ve put inside of me (ooh aaah)
It gets hard to keep my head above the waters

When I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders
I’ll cast my burdens on You
I’ll put my worries on You
When I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders
I’ll cast my burdens on You
Cuz You know, You know, You know
Just how it feels

You know, You know, You know
Just how it feels

So many expectations
Feeling the pressure on me (all of the pressure)
Everyday it gets stronger
Everyday it gets heavy
Louder and louder I hear Your voice calling out to me
To cast all my burdens on You

When I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders
I’ll cast my burdens on You
I’ll put my worries on You
When I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders
I’ll cast my burdens on You
Cuz You know, You know, You know
Just how it feels
(oooh yeah)

You know, You know, You know
Just how it feels

You know, You know, You know
Just how it feels


A Propos de "Weights"

Album : Portraits (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2020
Ajouté par : Afrika Lyrics
Published : May 03 , 2020

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