Paroles de Alright
Paroles de Alright Par BRIAN NHIRA
I've made a lot of promises
Ive made a lot of plans
Didn’t pan out like I thought they would
But we’re not done yet
We gotta understand, understand
This is not the end, not the end
There’s a higher plan, higher plan
The stories not over
We’re gonna be alright, I promise
We’re gonna be okay, I swear
I know the money’s running low
It’s affecting your soul reminds you of what used to be
I know it’s hard to see how things could really be
But baby, we gotta believe
We’re gonna be alright, I promise
We’re gonna be ok, I swear
Locked in a cycle of fear of the future
Always worried bout tomorrow
We gotta understand, understand
This is not the end, not the end
There’s a higher plan, higher plan
The stories not over
If we just step back step back
We’re gonna see that see that
The picture is bigger, and better
Than we ever thought it was
We gotta believe it
We gotta believe it
We gotta believe it
If we just step back step back
We’re gonna see that see that
The picture is bigger, and better
Than we ever thought it was
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