BLACK SHERIF Wasteman cover image

Paroles de Wasteman

Paroles de Wasteman Par BLACK SHERIF

Heard you on a bad man something
So you forever ready that's some mad ting
Take my bredda out the city
Give am better life oo man deserve it
Best in walking o 24/7
In search for better life man no still get am
He no fit cope he start dey learn some habits
That's the whole ting, that's how it started
Now my bredda is a wasteman (them dey throw am away)
He's a waste man in a wasteland (them dey watch make he dey go o)
Where money holders make the rules and regulations my jigga
Only jah jahh he dey guide man
Now my bredda is wasteman (them dey throw am away)
He's a waste man in a wasteland (them dey watch make he dey go)
Where money holders make the rules and regulations my jigga
Only jah jahh he dey guide man
Now my bredda is a wasteman (them dey throw am away)
He's a waste man in a wasteland (them dey watch make he dey go)
Where money holders make the rules and regulations my jigga
Only jah jahh he dey guide man

Don't be a sucker
Don't be a (bleep)
If they say you for shut up
You for be shouting more
The nation start dey fockop
E never be your fault
Why you go dey make they shut you up oh my bredda live life how you want
Now my bredda is wasteman (them dey throw am away)
He's waste man in a wasteland (them dey watch make he dey go o)
Where money holders make the rules and regulations my jigga
Only jah jahh guide man
Now my bredda is wasteman (them dey throw am away
He's waste man in a wasteland (them dey watch make he dey go
Where money holders make the rules and regulations my jigga
Only jah jahh guide man


A Propos de "Wasteman"

Album : The Villain I Never Was (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2022
Copyright : © 2022 Blacko Management / EMPIRE
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Oct 06 , 2022

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