BIRD JOE Break Up cover image

Paroles de Break Up

Paroles de Break Up Par BIRD JOE

Bird's camp records

Ohhhh baibe bird joe joe joe
I want you by my side everyday
You drive me crazy crazy ohh

They think we can no make it
They think me and you fake it oh
I can tell by the look in their eyes
I can see somethin' behind their smiles
They wann' see you and me one day break up
No body wann' see us drinking on the same cup
Never lemmi down gal, never lemmi down gal
You change my world, you change my world
They wann' see you and me one day break up
No body wann' see us drinking on the same cup
Never lemmi down gal, never lemmi down gal
You change my world, you change my world

I know they wonder they wonder, they wonder
What a guy like me is doin' wid someone like you
I know they say to you that gyal i don' deserve you
Call me boo, make them loose control
Make lovin' me forever be yo goal
Coz evi where you go, evi where you go
Ago follow, ago follow you

They wann' see you and me one day break up
No body wann' see us drinking on the same cup
Never lemmi down gal, never lemmi down gal
You change my world, you change my world
They wann' see you and me one day break up
No body wann' see us drinking on the same cup
Never lemmi down gal, never lemmi down gal
You change my world, you change my world

I can tell by the look in their eyes
I can see somethin' behind their smiles
They wann' see you and me one day break up
No body wann' see us drinking on the same cup
Never lemmi down gal, never lemmi down gal
You change my world, you change my world
They wann' see you and me one day break up
No body wann' see us drinking on the same cup
Never lemmi down gal, never lemmi down gal
You change my world, you change my world

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A Propos de "Break Up"

Album : Break Up (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : May 29 , 2021

Plus de Lyrics de BIRD JOE


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