![ANGELLA KATATUMBA This Boy cover image](https://afrikalyrics.com/assets/thumbnail/this-boy-angella-katatumba.jpg)
Paroles de This Boy
Paroles de This Boy Par ANGELLA KATATUMBA
Nandiba nganfunye ekizibu kumaaso
Nandiba nganfunye ekifu kumaaso
My sister, come take me to my doctor
Ndimuzibe wa maaso
Silaba jendaga
Bwenjagala okulaba ooohhh
Ndaba kizikiza
My sister, come take me to my doctor
This boy, made me, blindooo
This boy, made me, blindooo
This boy, made me, blindooo
This boy, made me, blindooo
Nfunira ku bi galubindi
Ebinyamba okulaba
Oba ka eyedrop
Akanyamba okuwona
I need to see my boy ohh
I'm gonna lose my boy ohh
Help me please ohhh, oohhh yeah
This boy, made me, blindooo
This boy, made me, blindooo
This boy, made me, blindooo
This boy, made me, blindooo
Doctor, Doctor silina kyendaba
No, No Silina Kyendaba
Hahaha wow
Kati ndaba, Kati ndaba omulenzi wange mulaba
Kati ndaba, kati ndaba handsome wange mulaba
Now I can see, yes, yes, I can see him, that's my man
I can see him yeah, yes I can see, I can see my love
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