AMMARA BROWN Glow In The Dark cover image

Paroles de Glow In The Dark

Paroles de Glow In The Dark Par AMMARA BROWN

When will you stop and realize who I am
When will you stop and realize who I am

You'll see me
Close your eyes you'll see me
Open your heart you'll see me
Close your eyes you'll see me
Open your mind you'll see me
Close your eyes you'll see me
Open your heart you'll see me
Close your eyes you'll see me
Open your heart, yeah yehi
Your heart

I still glow, I still glow
I still in the dark
I still glow, I still glow
I still in the dark
I still glow, I still glow
I still in the dark
I still glow, I still glow
I still in the dark
Ye- we- yei-ya

Yeah I heard what they said
I read what they said
But where they when I had no friends and suffering from lonely
Writing about me
Blogging about me
They were selling tabloids in stacks about me (huh)
They analyze things from a distance
So they miss things
The deep things
The real things baby
Strip me of my fortune
Strip me of my fame
Strip me and you'll find the most glorious things

You'll see me
Close your eyes you'll see me
Open your heart you'll see me
Close your eyes you'll see me
Open your mind you'll see me
Close your eyes you'll see me
Open your heart you'll see me
Close your eyes you'll see me
Open your heart, yeah yehi
Your heart

I still glow, I still glow
I still in the dark
I still glow, I still glow
I still in the dark
I still glow, I still glow
I still in the dark
I still glow, I still glow
I still in the dark

I love to live my life and I
Can witness all the world but I
Would love to love you truly
Can't you that I am human
My heart is just an open door
Hoping that you will explore
The dark and light inside me
Can't you see that I am human?
Strip me of my fortune
Strip me of my fame
Strip me and you'll find the most glorious things
Strip me and legacies
Strip me of my name
Strip me and you'll find the most glorious things

I still glow, I still glow
I still in the dark
I still glow, I still glow
I still in the dark
I still glow, I still glow
I still in the dark
I still glow, I still glow
I still in the dark
Ye- we- yei-ya
Glow in the dark
I glow, I glow


A Propos de "Glow In The Dark"

Album : Glow In The Dark (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2020
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Aug 04 , 2020

Plus de Lyrics de AMMARA BROWN


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