Paroles de Father's Day Song
Paroles de Father's Day Song Par ABOCHI
Daddies, them say we don’t know how to marry
We just dey worry
Daddies, them say all we do is to run away from the babies
Daddies, every day we do this and that
Them say we we no be responsible
No be everybody dey like that
E just be funny cos
If man no dey, if poppie no dey
Then wetin we gain?
If man no dey, if man no dey
How we go exist?
Happy father’s day (to you)
Happy father’s day (to you)
Happy father’s day
(To every man wey dey fight for the responsibilities)
Happy father’s day (to you)
Happy father’s day (to you)
Happy father’s day
(To every man wey dey do everything for the family)
So who say man no dey?
So who say man no dey?
See If man no dey, if poppie no dey
Then wetin we gain?
If man no dey, if man no dey
Me den you no go dey
Happy father’s day (to you)
Happy father’s day (to you)
Happy father’s day
(To every man wey dey fight for the responsibilities)
Happy father’s day (to you)
Happy father’s day (to you)
Happy father’s day
(To every man wey dey do everything for the family)
So who say man no dey?
So who say man no dey?
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