On Fire Lyrics by ELOI EL

This globe is on fire
Anytime we could lose everything
Screaming all the way in worry
Nowhere to retreat
I wanna spend the rest of my life in this road
I've got to live my life no matter what comes in my way

This world is on fire
The only place is on this way
All the cities on fire

And everybody is trembling of fear
Running all the way
Trying to find a rescue
I wanna spend the rest of my life in this road
I've got to live my life no matter what comes in my way

This world is on fire
The only place is on this way
Oh this world is on fire ah eh

This world is on fire
This world is on fire

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About On Fire

Album : On Fire (Single)
Release Year : 2021
Added By : Farida
Published : Dec 10 , 2021

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