Angelina Lyrics
Angelina Lyrics by CLARISSE KARASIRA
(English Translation)
Aah Angelina, aah Angelina
Take a heart that’s the sad reality of life
We studies together in nursery and primary
She was very smart and disciplined
She used to share her countless dreams with me
The truth is, in life no one knows what is ahead
Once our teacher said: listen kids
The small ounce of luck is far greater than tons of intellect
These days to get support towards your dreams is hard
Go ahead and study hard
Even my younger self was dreaming to become a mayor
Aah Angelina, aah Angelina
Stay strong my dear, take a heart
That’s the sad reality of life
Aah Angelina, aah Angelina
Stay strong my dear, take a heart
Maybe tomorrow is you
That’s the sad reality of life
Angelina was so talented and unbeatable soccer
She thought she will become the world’s champion
She did all she could think that she is the future Ronaldo or messie
She hopes to break the generation poverty of her family
After 18 years I met her at the small village market
Overloaded with people’s luggage
Life become too unbearable for her
Like many other promising young people
Their God-given talents had died off
They only live for daily survival
I am extremely heart broken
Aah Angelina, aah Angelina
Stay strong my dear, take a heart
That’s the sad reality of life
Aah Angelina, aah Angelina
Stay strong my dear, take a heart
Maybe tomorrow is you
That’s the sad reality of life
These young people had tried their very best
They knocked at every door seeking support to unleash their potential
They were often chased away while the unqualified passed
Though it is said that favoritism and corruption is no more
Out of sadness I composed this song
Don’t focus on the melody or beat just listen to the lyrics
Young people need your support
Let action speak louder than words
Here is my contribution as a music artist
To develop, there is a need to genuinely empower young people
Also, never neglect the last privileged
They did not choose such a life
Maybe there are Angelinas
If they were given chances like you they might be leading you by now
Aah Angelina, aah Angelina
Stay strong my dear, take a heart
That’s the sad reality of life
Aah Angelina, aah Angelina
Stay strong my dear, take a heart
Maybe tomorrow is you
That’s the sad reality of life
Maybe she would have been a top player in our national football team (Angelina)
Maybe she would have been an exemplary doctor (Angelina)
Maybe she would have been an international music icon (Angelina)
Maybe she would have been improving our education system (Angelina)
Maybe our movies industry would have been on a greater height (Angelina)
Maybe she would have been a great church minister leading people to God (Angelina)
She deserved chances; let us support her (Angelina)
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