No One Lyrics
We searched all over
There’s no one else like you
No one else like you
No other God like Jehovah, halleluyah
No one else like you
You are seated in heaven
Your glory fills the earth
Halleluyah, no one else like you
From age to age
From age to age
Eeeh, you still remain
You still remain I am that I am the mighty one
Unchanging God
Provider you are
There’s no one else
There’s no one else
There’s no one else
There’s no no no one
Halleluyah, no one else like you
Unchanging God great I am
There is no one no one
No one else like you
You are the great I am
King of Kings and Lord of Lords Halleluyah yeah ooohhhh
From age to age From age to age you still remain
You still remain I am that I am the mighty one
Unchanging God
Lion of the tribe of Judah
Provider you are
No one else
There’s no one else
There’s no one else
There’s no one else
There’s no no no one
Halleluyah, no one else like you
Lift your voice everybody we wanna praise him
Yahweh Yaweh Yaweh
Ancient of days
Lion of the tribe of Judah
You never never change
We worship, we adore you Yahweh
Yaweh Yaweh, yahweh
Ancient of days
You never change, you never change
Yahweh, you are yah
You are the unchanging God
Yahweh, Yahweh, you never change
Unchanging God
Provider you are
There’s no one else
There’s no one else
There’s no one else
There’s no no no one
Halleluyah, no one else like you
Unchanging God
Provider you are
There’s no one else
There’s no one else
There’s no one else
There’s no no no one
Halleluyah, no one else like you
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