AKHLOU BRICK Hello World cover image

Hello World Lyrics

Hello World Lyrics by AKHLOU BRICK

Hello Hello world my album degloul
Meun na yag meun na nadie wayé batay goudegoul
Même thi say guente bomay wokh bo yewou hourekou
Teuh dou crise thi bruit Ibliss dou
Guiss goumba bou beuteum mourekou
Balè war kou diékou
Mougn day fay kou dekou
Même Garabou gnambi pour mou diarign faw renam boudékou
Demay hol thi pinkou dina fay heul di fegnou
Feul foma foguèwoul may wer bi Iyan thiam di sentou
siguil  ndigalè  album yi fi jota delou haybou
Sen carrières ni esperence de vie  lire bou delou
Hello world dou dé foko soti dou fess moy jeumi faydou
Tay kou bagn rikekou kou beug kiray yourekou
Kou deglou deg kou guiss ne gongo ay fathom oubekou
Bi doko get guementou bokoy get def thiotj
Tahaw hymn national pincez tous
Force ding ko tok di deglou ding thi guis sa
Bop diem ko lire couplet yangui thi seetou
Alhamdoulila ...

Hello word my album listen may ma wah limiy  teunk
Dou rap dou rnb dou afro beat dou diazz té dou funk
Brick bi dou top mouvance
Beat yi di top mouveum
Rythme mélodie  gnou danse
Sang solal ko mboubam
Gnetellou album gnetelou baram thi dohine yi deung
Ndiekew ma geum def halam tama some flutu peul
Mouma di wah ay teuh Djine di  diomal ay deum
Hehou dof la ak kou keuh borom hel al helou dieun
Borom ham ham yi tegante hel dof yi teguente deund
Diangal sa couri mo geun def sa cour di nek si geune
Bari gni beug deglou album tekthi new gni koy dieund
Amo Lo wah teudial gat noopil sit doown sit down be humble
Am na lamign bou ngadeu bache ak chaise gnew gnou langeu
Bir ak dole biceps molé ak tere you manga
Do man wah tay mouma nga album bi legui moy yemb
Ladial sa nigga foum nekon bagniy ne thi hour bi di tangal
Nit day tew ndoh day tew hel dey tey
Gneup  diay mai diay katou gnambi danan day sey
Natalou album ni photo mer bi thi  diek bou diar
Kon Halal len ma yon bi com ni halé yon bi ter bi diar

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About Hello World

Album : Hello World (Single)
Release Year : 2019
Added By : Farida
Published : Nov 19 , 2019



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