
Jesu Ni Mucore Wetu Lyrics by Stanley Thiaine

Jesu ni mucore wetu

Na atwebagiria thiina

Twa romba murungi wetu

Atikarega kuigua

Mawega yetu yakebua

Na mathiina yongerwe

Twarega kwira murungu

Mobatu yetu yonthe

Twagerua ni muunthu wetu

Murimo ywatugwata

Buu kejeni kugirika

Uu tethio buri akugi

Kinya tugatungania nthii

Tutiumba kwona ungi

Unguanene na Jesu

Tugicwaga mutethia

Riria mantu ya nthiguru

Yagatunogia nkoro

Mwegani wa wega bunthe

Agatwa inya yawe

Twamenwa ni antu bonthe

Buu butigatumakia

Tonto Jesu mutwonokia

Kenya atigatutiga

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About Jesu Ni Mucore Wetu

Album : (Single)
Release Year : 2024
Copyright :
Added By : Farida
Published : Sep 05 , 2024

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Stanley Thiaine

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