English Translation For Lokololwa by MAKHADZI

Who is a firebrand like a demon?
Rani and I are Pharisees philanthropists
Dori is a fiery Pharisee
I am a Pharisee, a slave of the devil

There was a Pharisee in the fire
Demons are doomed like January
Rani is a firebrand
Demons are doomed like January

It is already in its infancy
It is already the world's largest poll
It is already in its infancy
It is already the world's largest poll

Hi I already have a rookie
It is already the world's largest poll
Hi mani It's an old one
It is already the world's largest poll

He's a vone!

Now it's a harvest!
Now that the file has been deleted
Now it is clear
Now that the file has been deleted

Now it is clear
Vho is free
Now the harvest is plentiful
Vho is free
Now the harvest is plentiful
Vho is free
Now the harvest is plentiful
Vho ri vhofholla

Hi I already have a rookie
It is already the world's largest poll
It is already in its infancy
It is already the world's largest poll
Hi I already have a rookie
It is already the world's largest poll
Hi I already have a rookie
It is already the world's largest poll

(He is a vone)

Rani and I are like a fiery Pharisee
Rani and I are Pharisees philanthropists
Dori is a fiery Pharisee
I am a Pharisee, a slave of the devil

There was a Pharisee in the fire
It's winter and it's raining in January
Rani is a firebrand
Demons are doomed like January

It is already in its infancy
It is already the world's largest poll
It is already in its infancy
It is already the world's largest poll

Hi I already have a rookie
It is already the world's largest poll
Hi mani It's an old one
It is already the world's largest poll

(He is a vone)

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About Lokololwa

Album : Kokovha (Album),
Release Year : 2020
Copyright: (c) 2020 Open Mic Productions.
Added By: Huntyr Kelx
Published: Oct 26 , 2020

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