Ateri Dala Lyrics
Ateri Dala Lyrics by KHALIGRAPH JONES
Yena mond ateri mos, ateri mos
I was all alone, I wasn't looking for nobody
I don't want no relationships not in my life
But little did I know, I was gonna find you mami
You got me thinking if really you gon be my wife
Gadmn I wanna lose story
It's you God chose for me
Twende mochatha I wanna mos jodi
Sudi modi bedi close OG
Beibe be ateri dala wa aaha
Osemina ma nyako bi mos na minwa oooh
Beibe be ateri dala wa aaha
Osemina ma nyako bi mos na minwa oooh
Hero ingeo ja rio kende, kando mama
Hera mama diera to bira kende, jaber chikiti
Ahero nya'nyita wach i lela, okatimo makosa
Ahero nya'nyita wach i lela, okatimo makosa-aah
Eeh yaye gini okdwa ichwa
Ibo kwanyo pombe ni diga
Ihera hera mare ma mon anindo go otieno
Kara hera mane ma mon achiemo to kech ng'eny
Ihera hera mare ma mon anindo go otieno
Kara hera mane ma mon achiemo to kech ng'eny
Beibe be ateri dala wa aaha
Osemina ma nyako bi mos na minwa oooh
Beibe be ateri dala wa aaha
Osemina ma nyako bi mos na minwa oooh
Yeah not only do I come correct I come fresher
Wan take it to the land of ancestors
While some may say that the plan is to undress you
Am God sent girl I just wanna bless you
I see a future the combination is hella litty
Am hella rich and good looking and you hella pretty
Well managed, she disciplined, she don't sell he kitty
Only give it to you if you earn it, she is never needy
She be the wify type, is not the hype she likes
She knows how to treat a man who come with an appetite
Oh my God it must be nice I must be lucky right
You want a happy life, then make her a happy life
Na lazima ni chachishe ata kama ni mara mia
Umechukua roho yangu bila hata kung'ang'ania
Mama mia abeda mos sami ng'ia
Karibia usijali nakupandisia
Mmmh Ihera hera mare ma mon anindo go otieno
Kara hera mane ma mon achiemo to kech ng'eny
Ihera hera mare ma mon anindo go otieno
Kara hera mane ma mon achiemo to kech ng'eny
Beibe be ateri dala wa aaha
Osemina ma nyako bi mos na minwa oooh
Beibe be ateri dala wa aaha
Osemina ma nyako bi mos na minwa oooh
Ateri mos mos baibe, ateri mos mos
Mielna mond ateri mos mos e dala, ateri mos mos
Mielna mond ateri mos mos beibe, ateri mos mos
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