HOLY TEN Ghetto Redu cover image

Paroles de Ghetto Redu

Paroles de Ghetto Redu Par HOLY TEN

Ghetto rine nharo
Ghetto rine long story
Ghetto rine ngano
Ghetto redu rina mambo akatsika tambo

Ghetto redu wangu rina Van Choga
Ghetto redu wangu rina Van Choga
(Ghetto redu wangu rina Van Choga)

Hapana kana pressure
Ndoshanda kusvika kwayedza
I got the city on my back
Mosana wangu vakavezwa

There I put mu momz girl child nemakudo
I told the girl child don't act wild nemakumbo
Ma niggas haazi safe (My niggas haazi safe)
Kiyirai hanzvadzi dzese (Kiyirai hanzvadzi dzese)

I'm not a pressure guy mababie anotondizeza nhai
It's a law yes thanks ndene ndapendza naye
Chenjerai, chenjerai mbeva dzamateya
Chenjerai, chengerai kusengedzwa macheya
Kugariswa padhaza, kutaridzwa kwamabva
Chengerai, chengerai kusema zvavateya

Ghetto rine nharo
Ghetto rine long story
Ghetto rine ngano
Ghetto redu rina mambo akatsika tambo

Ghetto redu wangu rina Van Choga
Ghetto redu wangu rina Van Choga
(Ghetto redu wangu rina Van Choga)

Ini handoto batike paden, maskati nemaskeni
Manheru acho ndine prazi remaplan
Ndakatora chimuti kubva kune vaya
Vatakamboudza kuti musaganzire mafans

Couples of my cousins be calling like
Nhai iwe modekai, hauchandione nhai
Nhai iwe hauchafone why?
I've been on the road 
Ndikasadaro ndoita rombe mhai

That's what I told them everytime 
It's true but then it doesn't hurt
Send them a reminder 
Tete ndichiriko, tete muri chipo
Ndichauya naye mudiwa wangu
Munozviziwa wani

Ghetto rine nharo
Ghetto rine long story
Ghetto rine ngano
Ghetto redu rina mambo akatsika tambo

Ghetto redu wangu rina Van Choga
Ghetto redu wangu rina Van Choga
(Ghetto redu wangu rina Van Choga)


A Propos de "Ghetto Redu"

Album : Ghetto Redu (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2020
Copyright : (c) 2020
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Dec 18 , 2020

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