FRANK EDWARDS  No Other Name cover image

Paroles de No Other Name

Paroles de No Other Name Par FRANK EDWARDS

Lift up your Heads, Oh ye Gates
Even Lift then up
Ye Everlasting Doors
Let the King of Glory come In
And who is the King of Glory
The Lord,Strong and Mighty
The Lord Mighty in Battle
Lord of Hosts
He is the King of Glory

Every other god’s
They are works of men
All other gods
They are man-made god
They will always Gather
But they will surely Scatter
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name
Every other god’s
They are works of men
All other gods
They are man-made god
They will always Gather
But they will surely Scatter
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name

Aay, akwa gi neburum Ibu’a
Chineke’me, Okwa gi
Nagba Ekensu Ose nanya
You’re the Most High God
And I will follow you
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name
Lilly of the Valley
There is no other name
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name
You Rule over Nations
The Land and the Sea
How I Love your Name
I’m nothing without you

(Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name)

Nah,nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah Jesus
Nah,nah, nah, hah, nah, nah, nah

You are the Lord,
And you will never Changed
Never changed eh, eh
With you am so Secure
The Lion of the tribe of Judah
Aka neme nma ey
Uzu n’akpu nwa nafor
Okaka eh Oke osisi nenye ndu eh

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name
You Rule over Nations
The Land and the Sea
How I Love your Name
I’m nothing without you

There is no other name
(There’s no other name)
There is no other name
(There’s no other name)
There is no, there is no
(Oh, oh, oh, oh, there is no other name)
There is no, there is no
(Oh, oh, oh, oh, there is no other name)

(Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There is no other name)


A Propos de "No Other Name"

Album : No Other Name
Année de Sortie : 2020
Copyright : © 2018 Rocktown Kings Corner
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Apr 09 , 2020

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