EL CHARJI God's Favor  cover image

Paroles de God's Favor

Paroles de God's Favor Par EL CHARJI

They Dunno (They Dunno)

Barking dogs seldom bite
For sure awa maloosers huwanga ready kufight
Am a 1 real nigga
Born in the hood
Kuna vitu me siezi deny
God's favour na peace of mind (Kuna)
Kuna vitu ntasema sidai
Tunastrive hard and they wanna joyride
Kuna vitu ntasema sidai
Barking dogs seldom bite
For sure awa maloosers huwanga ready kufight
Am a 1 real nigga
Born in the hood Kuna vitu me siezi deny
God's favour na peace of mind (Kuna)
Kuna vitu ntasema sidai
Tunastrive hard and they wanna joyride
Kuna vitu ntasema sidai
Hatudai Io helping hand
Kenyan got drill but siezi digest (They Dunno)
Ambia bueno Io flow ni ya cench Umekam kutungora ju
UK hungesell (Ni ya central)
Toa Io bally go back to the states
Kitu Nko Sure we si born and raised
Toa Io bally na urudi UK
Na si aty nahate ni ukweli nasay
Every dog has its own day Na ikifika my day walai staiwaste (Staiwaste)
I stood firm when the ground was shaky
I stood so firm so Wanangoja niperish (walai)
Am on a Rap on a daily basis Uh
Rap for the daily bread
My son just watch your step
That's what my momma said
Ooh God najua si wote ni masinner
But Kuna vitu atuezi ishi bila
Vijanaa uku nje ni magirimba 254 nko sure tuko na shida
Inahit hard kwanza ka we ni breadwinner
Gava kila day inatuficha
One day one day Youths tutaungana tutoe awa maleader
Ka huezi run option ni ufly Ata na grip unatry unaslide
Always happy all day all night Io ndo situation
Io ndo life izi side Ka huezi run option ni ufly
Ata na grip unatry unaslide
Always happy all day all night
Io ndo situation Io ndo life izi side
United we stand divided we fall
United we stand divided we fall
United we stand divided we fall divided we fall
United we stand divided we fall
United we stand divided we fall

Barking dogs seldom bite
For sure awa maloosers huwanga ready kufight
Am a 1 real nigga
Born in the hood Kuna vitu me siezi deny
God's favour na peace of mind (Kuna)Kuna vitu ntasema sidai
Tunastrive hard and they wanna joyride
Kuna vitu ntasema sidai
Barking dogs seldom bite
For sure awa maloosers huwanga ready kufight
Am a 1 real nigga
Born in the hood Kuna vitu me siezi deny
God's favour na peace of mind (Kuna)
Kuna vitu ntasema sidai
Tunastrive hard and they wanna joyride
Kuna vitu ntasema sidai

They Dunno


A Propos de "God's Favor "

Album : God's Favor (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2023
Ajouté par : El Charji
Published : Aug 18 , 2023

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