K.O Lyrics by CL PERRY

Every time I see you, my heart starts to bloom
You're my sunshine, girl, you brighten up the room
Like a sunflower, you radiate pure grace
I'm lost in your beauty, getting lost in your embrace
Your smile's like sunshine, it's blindingly bright
You're like a masterpiece, a work of art in sight
I'm captivated by your essence, it's a magical affair
With every step you take, you're walking on air

Oh, sunflower, you're my ray of light
Can't help but feel butterflies, when you're in sight
I'm falling for you, can't resist this crush
You're the sweetest melody, my heart's on a rush

Your eyes are like oceans, they hold secrets untold
In your presence, time seems to unfold
Like petals blooming, you bring joy to my soul
You're the missing puzzle piece that makes me whole
Every conversation we have, it's like poetry
Your intelligence and wit, it mesmerizes me
I'm drawn to your aura, it's a magnetic force
Our connection, girl, it's something to endorse

You're my sunshine, shining through the clouds
With you, every moment feels like I'm on proud
I daydream about you, you're always on my mind
You're the inspiration behind every line

Oh, sunflower, you're my ray of light
Can't help but feel butterflies, when you're in sight
I'm falling for you, can't resist this crush
You're the sweetest melody, my heart's on a rush

Like petals dancing in the wind, we'll take a chance
I'll be your rock, your unwavering romance
Together we'll bloom, just like sunflowers do
Through life's ups and downs, I'll always be true
So let's chase our dreams, hand in hand
Building a future that's grand
With you, my sunflower, by my side
We'll create a love that'll never subside

Oh, sunflower, you're my guiding light
In your presence, everything feels just right
I'm falling for you, it's so crystal clear
You're the sunflower that I hold dear

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About K.O

Album : K.O (Single)
Release Year : 2023
Added By : South Sudan TV
Published : Aug 19 , 2023

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