Don't You Forget Lyrics
Don't You Forget Lyrics by AYANDA JIYA
Oh! Remember what you want do
You choose and don't you forget
All the bad you do can be done to you
Like a rocket shot up in the air
Can't catch me even if you dare
Yeah you there staring with a glare
I know I'm a beast, don't you forget
Don't you forget
I'ma give you a reason, I'ma rap and sing
Take all of your rands, yens and Benjamin's
Watch me make you a believer with a (Bible)
Feel the spirit move, be a (Disciple)
Moving so swiftly drippin' melanin
The sun on my skin will tell you where I've been
Some people hate Queens that become Kings
This why I ain't just for anybody
Walked in lookin' like the Queen I am
Royalty born, of the King I am
Proud of the crown of (Glory)
This is just a way I tell my (Story)
Enjoy the weather while it's nice and warm
This is just the calm right before the storm
Don't you know I'm Queen of the war?
Show me what you got in store
Oh! Remember what you want do
You choose and don't you forget
All the bad you do can be done to you
Like a rocket shot up in the air
Can't catch me even if you dare
Yeah you there staring with a glare
I know I'm a beast, don't you forget
Don't you forget
Started from the bottom don't you forget
And I stayed solid don't you forget
You said a lot about me out of lack of respect
But I remained silent don't you forget (Forget)
Remember when they told me that if I do it without them
Then I won't progress (Progress)
But then again I realised if I do it without them
Then I'm at my best, yeah
How many times do I really gotta prove myself?
Show you I can do it myself
Even some of my idols got help
This is all I got, nothing else
Trying not to lose it, better yet lose myself
Trying not to lose my step
This life chose me, motherfucker, I ain't choosin' myself
Talk to 'em!
Oh! Remember what you want do
You choose and don't you forget
All the bad you do can be done to you
Like a rocket shot up in the air
Can't catch me even if you dare
Yeah you there staring with a glare
I know I'm a beast, don't you forget
Don't you forget
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